Monday, December 15, 2008

Some People Learn it in the Schools

Every year since the sixth grade has been the same. My grades start out somewhat poor, then decrease as the year goes on. I wish grades didn't exist, they are supremely indescriptive of any individual. Grades represent how well your robot mind has been programmed to submit to the squeemish authority of our society.
I do not like homework, it is consuming and not very worthwhile. I'd rather just study what I want to sudy, like Theology and Music and Writing. Learning would be much more successful if we could just choose what we want to study and focus in on it.
I guess that would be college. Although, highschool is supremely lame, how am I going to make it to college? I blame it all on homework. A cancer of the creative mind. The task that rots away my day with apprehension. I don't want to do it at all, but I know that I must to "succeed." So the result is a very poor grade average. For several weeks I may focus very finely on schoolwork, then I get very fed up and let a couple assignments go by. The result is a blemished letter stamped onto my report card. Although I am capable of doing quality work, the same mind crusing gear grinding day by day assignments that consume any and all free time is quite a terrible thing.
If I were to do every homework assignment to get good grades, I feel that I would be missing out on more important things and my life would be supremely stressful. It would just be school, homework, my job, and poor sleep. I would become a robot soon to meltdown under the pressure brought on by the fat rats at the head of our society.
I do not like homework, I do not like grades. Neither represent or enhance my individual mind.

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