Sunday, November 30, 2008

Jam Session

Just had a really tasty one in my friend's basement.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Jeff Beck

His cover of A Day in the Life by the beatles is amazing.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I Am Great

People just don't know it yet.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Favorite Song as of Now

Lay Lady Lay - Bob Dylan

Lay, lady, lay, lay across my big brass bedLay, lady, lay, lay across my big brass bed
Whatever colors you have in your mind
I'll show them to you and you'll see them shine
Lay, lady, lay, lay across my big brass bed
Stay, lady, stay, stay with your man awhile
Until the break of day, let me see you make him smile
His clothes are dirty but his hands are clean
And you're the best thing that he's ever seen
Stay, lady, stay, stay with your man awhile
Why wait any longer for the world to begin
You can have your cake and eat it too
Why wait any longer for the one you love
When he's standing in front of you
Lay, lady, lay, lay across my big brass bed
Stay, lady, stay, stay while the night is still ahead
I long to see you in the morning light
I long to reach for you in the night
Stay, lady, stay, stay while the night is still ahead

Really Excited

I'm going to Guitar Center today with my little brother. He might pick up drums since Christmas is around the corner. I'm so pumped, he's going into highschool next year and I think it would be so cool to do battle of the bands with him.

Some things...

Just aren't meant to happen.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

I Like To

Read my work.
But I just don't like to do work.


Sometimes you just gotta be judgemental.

Friday, November 21, 2008

In Other Terms, Get Away

I most courteously welcome you to the company of another.


I just forgot what I was going to say. Give me a second.

Ah yes, "Three Hots and a Cot."
This is a saying that I live by. I mean what more can I say. Three hot meals and a decent bed to rest upon, what more could man possibly need? (Arguably, Arnold Palmer, of course.)

Seriously though, basic necessities sleep and food. Not just food, but hot meals. I hate going to work without a hot meal. Peanut butter and milk just doesn't cut it these days, and never really has for a main meal. Sadly, I have faced myself with such pitiful portions.

And for sleep, not just a bed, I said a COT. This implies that you are rugged in nature if you utilize the epicness of a cot. Very basic, and somewhat unwelcoming; which makes getting out of bed in the morning a lot more fun.

In conclusion, "Three hots and a cot" be with you always and forever. Along with the peace of the Holy Spirit.

What I Did Today

I went to school. It was pretty cool I guess, I mean it wasn't totally lame. Some of my classes were fun others not.

Then after school, I drove home in my mom's minivan and kinda layed around for a bit unsuccessfully.

So then i took my mom's minivan and drove way out yonder into the countryside in hopes of writing a poem. But along that rambling road I could not find a suitable resting place for the vehicle containing myself.
So I continued on yonder down Ye Olde Country Road, its not really called that but I said it for effect.

So anyways, there I sit in my mom's minivan with some Hendrix blasted all the way up out in ye olde countryside. And after some turns and some long ye olde roads, I met the infamous street known as Central. I knew this olde road would take me down yonder to civilizaton marked none other by Wal-Mart and its loyal patrons and disposable employees (wooh Unions! lol jk I know nothing about Unions and non-unions, I do not even know if Union is supposed to be capitalized).

So I took a Ye Olde Left Turne downe ye olde Central. I followed Ye olde straight path that hath been laid down and given the name Central. Ye Olde Traffick became increasingly dense like the nucleus of an atom. Ye olde Atom.

Upon entering the heart of Wal-Mart, I stopped by my olde friends abode. His name is Joseph, and Joseph was not home. So I bid my parting to Joseph's olde parents and made my olde way back to Ye Olde Road de Central. Once again blasting some Hendrix.

I soon grew weary of Central. So, to my delight, I redirected onto Ye Olde Winding Road that leads to Ye Olde Guitar Center. Soon I arrived at Ye Olde Guitar Center and played upon one of my dream amps for plot of time. It is of course very akward to play at Ye Olde Guitar Center, and draws upon one's self consciousness of their ability to become one with Ye Olde Guitar.

I ditched Ye Olde Guitar Center and helped myself to one of their picks (which are free like toothpicks). I flipped on the radio to some Ye Olde Christmas tunes and headed home.

I did not make comfortable my stay at home for their was a great rumble in my tummy which consequently lead to a grumble for some cash. I pocketed my father's cash which he donned upon my open palm. Palm sounds like Arnold Palmer.

So I went to Ye Olde Taco Belle and got some good food. It was all right, I kind of ate too much and it wasn't worth it.

After some mild disappointment with Ye Olde Department of Tacos, I stepped foot into a nearby grocer's store. Spoken in a gentle whisper was word of Ye Legend of Ye Olde Vintage Arnold Palmer Green Tea Lemonade beverage of mysticalities. I purchased the beverage for 99c.

Currently, I am sipping upon the rim of the beverage. Hanging on each honey dew drip that hangs precariously. Such a wonderful tantalization for the tastebuds.

This drink is really great and made Ye Olde Voyage worth my while.



...I think my head is about to explode, leaving only my tongue to govern my body. Currently, at 8:55 pm, I am for the first time ever in my life experiencing The Arnold Palmer Lite Green Tea Lemonade Half & Half Beverage. I think that I am entering a comatose state of seemingly limitless euphoria of the senses. I am so revitalized...

Guitar Center

I'm going to make my way to Guitar Center Today
Filled with an excited ache and cramp I can't wait to try out my dream amp
A playground for the shredder what could be better?
It's been a long week I've done what I can
Now I'll start the voyage in my mother's minivan
If all goes well with no bent fender, I'll plug in some vintage gear
And rock it on a Fender (Blues DeVille)
My anxious await will not stay with the oncoming holiday
With my only Christmas gift, I will bestow upon it a tasty riff
Practice is the key if you wanna get like me
Music is an escape, it sets me free

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Writers Block

I'm sitting in the journalism room or pub or whatever its called, and I cannot think of an interesting topic to write about. We have to do a column, and my creative juices are not flowing. Very lame in conclusion.

Monday, November 17, 2008


In response to Mr. Ackerman's Sweater Vest Society, I propose that Northview should put into place yet another organization. The Coffee Sippers Organization (CSO). Myself and another friend have initiated this club every other day during the week in our morning study hall. The idea is that we sip coffee (Although we only have access to cappuccinos, which may I add are way to sugary and thick) and discuss fine literature or whatever other topics seem interesting or entertaining.
I propose that we base the club around great coffee, great friends, and fine literature. No better way to start the day than with piping hot beverage. Anyways, some rules would have to be, no vulgarity, no gossip, and no girls (just kidding).

Feel free to comment, and feel free to join.

Tips Welcome

I would like to know if any of you bloggers out there have tips to stay focused day by day in school. You know, the necessities of a good GPA, homework completion mainly. How do you overachievers do it? I need to know some schemes to get myself to do homework every day. I mean its so redundant and boring, after a while you start to hate your favorite song after listening to it so many times for some lame math problems.

So, how do you keep it fresh with the homework?

Things to know

The name's Ben, and right now I'm struggling with the problem that we all face each day at school. You know, each period every day, the time comes when we all must come up with a catchy introductory paragraph and or sentence. Well, I completely just took care of mine by relating to you about what a bore the task can be. I think they should be banned.

But anyways, I do enjoy writing on my spare time. I usually have a pen or notebook in my room because the things that I write about sometimes just come from my line of thought. I also really like to write about nature because it is great in so many ways. Another mentionable fact is that I am a Christian and I'm doing my best to live the life. Guitar is becoming more and more of a passion and I'd like to start studying a bit of music theory on my own time. The only problem with doing the things I'd like to be doing is the factor of time and the consuming confines of school. If my life was a summer vacation, ideally, I would like to study the Bible in depth, and also music theory and get really good at guitar. Some day I would like to be in a rock band or something like that. Um, I do not feel that it is necessary to go on. After all, it is only a blog.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I just ate Taco Bell
Like glory
My breath does smell
I downed it like a bear
You know
That one rummaging through some trash
Over there
Oh no!
Here comes that Bear!
The bear is chasing me I can't believe this!
I am so startled!
Just Five more hours
I'm revving my chainsaw
Waiting for the epic release
I'm going to thoroughly thrash some locusts
Gears of War 2
I will berate the noobs with my skill and discipline
I'm a zen master of gaming
I'm a photographer
The face of a noob is what I'm framing
In my sniper scope of course
I'm really bored
Here at my computer
Guitar in hand
Ultimate-Tab is my tutor
No other way to pass time is quite sublime
I really hope this gets me a good grade
Come on Mr. Ackerman
You can't deny me
I've got it made
Goofy kid named Will
Heard he has no skill
That's a given
By my greatness he is driven
Will, it's about time you realize
I'm cooler than you
I'm beginning to feel a change
A change with each hour
Mood sways with voices heard
Melancholy my eyes fall to sleep
Experiencing bliss
Instead of ludicrous